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Marguerite Lersteau // Smultronställe
April 2024- 10 tracks
Nyckelharpa alto and quarter-tone nyckelharpa alto, singing
All titles: Traditional Swedish / Arrangements: Marguerite Lersteau
Sound recording and mixing: David Sévérac
Mastering: Sylvain Barou
Graphism: Hérine Loussouarn
Produced by La Voix des Sirènes
Album accompanying the release of La Voix des Sirènes fanzine #15, pack available via the Voix des Sirènes blog:
Vóden // Polskanitsa
Released on 02/08/2021 - 12 tracks
Marguerite Lersteau: Nyckelharpas, singing, Turkish kemençe, overtone flute
David Sévérac: Hurdy Gurdy, bulgarian and anatolian Kavals, Tympanon, Daf, Choir
Sound recording and mixing: David Sévérac
Mastering: Raphaël Jonin – Studio J Raph i.n.g
Graphism: Jérôme Nouvion
Produced by Sublime Bazar
Soñj // Oriental Express
2017 – 11 tracks
David Sévérac: Alto Hurdy gurdy , tympanon, kawala // Thierry Aillet: Veuze bagpipe, oboe // Jacques Miossec: Riqq, davul // Alan Letenneur: Oboe, flute// Gaël Martineau: Davul, derbouka
Guests: Fabien Gillé: Saz // Marguerite Lersteau: Nyckelharpa
Recording and mastering: Studio Artsonic
Mixing: David Sévérac